The TMC Resource Kit is now a legacy project documenting a period of acceleration and innovation in media arts. Case studies and resources provide a snapshot of best practices and born digital projects in the early 2010s. Many are no longer accessible in their original implementation and we hope the documentation here contributes to understanding…

Inanimate Alice: Transmedia & the Future of Digital Learning
An Interview with Ian Harper, Producer of Inanimate Alice, an ongoing born-digital story Episodes are playable here: Follow @InanimateAlice on Twitter

Une Entrevue avec David Dufresne, ONF/NFB
Fort McMoney & Stratégies de coproduction internationale TMC David Dufresne Fort McMoney Co-Production Interview Fr Version from TMC Resource Kit

Fort McMoney & Strategies for International Co-Production: An Interview with David Dufresne
An interview with David Dufresne, creator & director of Fort McMoney, ONF/NFB, on international co-production strategies TMC David Dufresne Fort McMoney Coproduction Interview Eng Version from TMC Resource Kit

The Chatsfield: Case Study & Interview with Alison Norrington
A Case Study & Interview with Alison Norrington on The Chatsfield, Harlequin Mills & Boon’s transmedia story world extending a series of 8 novels TMC Chatsfield Case Study & Interview with Alison Norrington from TMC Resource Kit

Entrevue avec Hugues Sweeney sur la conception de l’experience (FR)
La deuxième partie d’une entrevue avec HUGUES SWEENEY producteur exécutif du Studio de production interactive du Programme français de l’ONF La première partie est ici TMC Hugues Sweeney Conception De L'Experience Entrevue FR from TMC Resource Kit

Hugues Sweeney Experience Design Interview
Part 2 of an interview with HUGUES SWEENEY Executive Producer Interactive media ONF/NFB Digital Studio Montreal Part 1 on Strategies for Successful International Coproductions is here TMC Hugues Sweeney Experience Design Interview ENG Version from TMC Resource Kit

Strategies de coproduction internationale (FR)
La première partie d’une entrevue avec HUGUES SWEENEY producteur exécutif du studio de production interactive du programme français de l’ONF Suivre sur twitter : @hugues_sweeney, @ONF & @theNFB TMC Hugues Sweeney CoPro Interview French Version from TMC Resource Kit

Strategies for International CoProductions: Interview with HUGUES SWEENEY (Part 1)
Hugues Sweeney, Executive Producer of interactive production at the ONF/NFB, shares insights & strategies for successful international coproductions. The first in a series of bilingual posts! Big thanks to the CMF for assistance with the translation! Follow @hugues_sweeney, @ONF & @theNFB TMC Resource Kit Hugues Sweeney CoProduction Interview NFB from TMC Resource Kit

TransmediaMIX A Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank [Fr. Language Resource]
The Transmedia Mix Transdisciplinary Hackathon is running June 14, 15 & 18 in Paris. The event brings together practitioners in Paris at ‘Salle Triangle, parvis du Centre Pompidou,’ Paris to experiment & build & a group of online international experts. The document here provides a production framework and resources for use over the Hackathon. Transmedia…

Transmedia Branding. Author: Burghardt Tenderich
With grateful thanks to Burghardt Tenderich for sharing this very useful resource! Burghardt Tenderich is Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the Strategic Communication and Public Relations Center at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication

AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS Case Study & Interview with Christy Dena
AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS Case Study & Interview with Christy Dena from TMC Resource Kit

10 Questions About International Multi-platform Co-production – An Interview With Shawn Bailey
10 Questions About International Multi-Platform Co-Production – An Interview With Shawn Bailey from TMC Resource Kit

RUBY SKYE P.I. Case Study & Interview with Jill Golick
Ruby Skye P.I. – Case Study & Interview with Jill Golick from TMC Resource Kit

Body/Mind/Change, a virtual and real world extension of the film exhibition, “David Cronenberg: Evolution,” from Siobhan. Gentle spoilers for those who haven’t played yet (not much!). Body/Mind/Change Transmedia Experience TMC Resource Kit Case Study from TMC Resource Kit

Festival, Conferences, Events
TRANSMEDIA & MULTIPLATFORM FESTIVALS These festivals accept multiplatform & transmedia projects on an ongoing basis. TriBeCa Tribeca Storyscapes is a transmedia program created in collaboration with BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® Gin to showcase work that explores new forms of storytelling, highlighting innovation across a variety of platforms. Picnic PICNIC is a leading European platform for innovation and creativity….

Degrassi: Case Study
Degrassi Case Study: multiplatform, convergent & transmedia, from Siobhan. Produced by Epitome Pictures, this Canadian multi-generational drama has an audience that spans 30+ years. As technology has evolved, so have the show’s strategies for reaching out to fans & for creating an immersive online experience. The extended content built out from the show has included…

Kidnapped Case Study: CBC’s Experiment with Second Screen Documentary
TMC: Kidnapped a Second Screen Case Study from Anthea Foyer

Zed.TO Case Study. How to Start a Content Revolution…Design the Future & End the World
An extended Case Study from Siobhan on The Mission Business’ 2012 transmedia production of Zed.TO & the invention of the biotech company, ByoLogyc. What we find of value & groundbreaking in this project is that The Mission Business designed a strategy to bring non-theatre goers into ‘theater’ events, rolled in LARPing in a way that…

Zed.TO Case Study. How to Start a Content Revolution…Design the Future
Case study from Siobhan on The Mission Business, an adventure laboratory and start-up company based in Toronto that designs connected live-action and online experiences. In 2013, ZED.TO broke new ground as a participatory serial theatre production and with a highly successful, thought provoking new business model. Think theatre meets game, LARPing, ARGs… next level.. HOW…

Is Crowdfunding Right for You? Presented By India Innovation Institute. U of Toronto
We’d like to thank the India Innovation Institute, at the University of Toronto, for sharing their useful and timely resource on crowdfunding! [Description from the site] PRESENTED BY THE INDIA INNOVATION INSTITUTE Perhaps one of the key enablers of an effective innovation engine is the presence of adequate financing that allows new ventures to launch,…

Crowdfunding: Perspectives & Prospects. India Innovation Institute. U of Toronto.
We’d like to thank the India Innovation Institute, at the University of Toronto, for sharing their useful and timely resource on crowdfunding! [Description from the site] Crowdfunding: Perspectives & Prospects By Christopher Charlesworth, Murray Metcalfe, Tonya Surman, Verki Tunteng & Dilip Solman From: India Innovation Institute Transcribed and edited by Cindy Quan Based on a panel…

James Cooper’s Kickstarter for Filmmakers
From James Cooper’s site: “Cooper has clearly done his research. He’s crunched numbers and asked around the industry, and the result is a very readable, surprisingly helpful guide to preparing yourself for a crowdfunding campaign.” – Indiewire After raising $21,000 for his short film Elijah the Prophet, James set out to write a resource guide to assist filmmakers…

TMCRK Spotlight on Crowdfunding!
Crowdfunding! Unless you’re sequestered lakeside without internet you’re likely seeing posts about crowdfunding everywhere. And with Kickstarter about to launch in Canada supposedly this summer, TMCRK’s July spotlight will be on the how-to’s & best practices of crowdfunding. First, it’s an absolute treat for TMCRK to launch a guest-authored Case Study on the mega-successful Lizzie Bennet Diaries DVD &…